Administrator Support

What it is

DocuPet’s software and systems are designed to be intuitive and easy to use, but that doesn’t mean every member of your team will pick things up at the same pace. In order to facilitate a smooth transition, we have developed dedicated resources, including a few very helpful and cheery people, to make it happen. With training videos, an in-system FAQ, and built-in tool tips, it’s possible to learn the software on your own, but when you need it, help is just a phone call or email away.

Why we made it

With our system (and this industry) serving so many different stakeholders with different backgrounds and learning styles, it was essential early-on to develop a scalable and iterative approach to training. We’re big believers in empowering people to truly understand how our system works, because once they do, they can use it as a tool to affect positive results in their role and in your organization.

What's Included

In system tips and prompts

  • View definitions and tips about our most frequently used fields and functions
  • Follow processes with ease via our built in reminders and step by step administrator flows for common tasks ex. New orders, renewals
System Tips

Training video library

  • View “how-to” walkthroughs for common tasks
Training Videos

Administrator FAQ

  • Access common questions and answers, sorted by category
Administrator FAQ

Dedicated email and phone for administrators

  • Write or call-in to get in touch with a knowledgeable team member
Dedicated Email and Phone

We’re always making improvements to our software and strive to ensure our administrative users are kept in the loop with the changes by releasing new FAQs and videos on a regular basis.

You’ll be notified via email if there are ever significant software changes or new feature releases you should be aware of and oftentimes we’ll host a webinar should any of your team members wish to attend.

Get in touch with us to
book a demo.

Book a Demo