Save money and simplify administration with our comprehensive pet licensing solution

We didn't just create the solution, we perfected it.
Since 2013 we’ve been crafting and optimizing an easy-to-use, full service solution that makes licensing a breeze for administrators and pet owners alike. The result? Administrators are spending less than ever while increasing license sales and compliance.
Increased revenue, decreased workload:
We provide administrators with the tools they need while freeing up time, resources and money.

Guaranteed to save money
Administrators are spending 38% less, and what does it cost to onboard DocuPet? Nothing.

A simple & modern platform
Our easy-to-use interface makes licensing a breeze for administrators and pet owners alike.
The cat’s out of the bag:
DocuPet works
We launch a new partner every five days. Don’t miss out, become a partner and redefine pet licensing in your community.

4 million +
registered pets
250 +
jurisdictions served
average savings per license or avg. savings per issued license
customer satisfaction rating
We’ve done the work, you reap the reward
With over a decade of experience innovating in the pet licensing space, we’ve learned a thing or two. Check out our free resource library for valuable insights and data we’ve learned working with diverse licensing programs across the continent.
What we offer
Save money and simplify administration with our comprehensive pet licensing solution
See it in detailMaking tails wag across the continent
More licensed pets = more resources to shelters
A safe and happy home for every pet is our goal. Together with our partners, we’re equipping more pets and their owners with the (free) tools they need to facilitate a safe and speedy return to home (RTH) if they become lost. By reducing the amount of lost pets entering the shelter, we’re helping to provide the space, money and resources to local animals that need the care.