Do you know how much pet licensing costs your organization?

Considering how tight municipal and non-profit shelter budgets often are, it is critical that pet licensing organizations identify all costs associated with their pet licensing program and find savings.

Every year, your organization likely spends money on pet licensing items like:

  • Pet tags,
  • Mailing of renewal and reminder letters,
  • Citations,
  • Mailing of licenses,
  • License sale commissions,
  • Online credit card transaction fees,
  • Software or service fees,
  • Labor time processing sales and administering your data and staff, and
  • Marketing for your pet licensing program.

33% of pet licensing organizations like yours reported to DocuPet that they were uncertain exactly how much they spent on administering their licensing program. An ever larger group, 62%, said that their program is not cost-efficient or costs too much.

Pet licenses are critical to the funding for your local animal care and control. With just 13% of North Americans complying with local licensing laws, you may find your program to be woefully underfunded and a budget drain at risk of seeing major cuts during these hard times.

Simply put though, these programs are too important for local animal care to lose.

Pet licensing organizations must do a few key things to help maximize the return on program costs:

  • Bring pet licensing programs fully online,
    • Note: This means not only enabling online pet license sales, but creating a streamlined electronic database of all pet owner and license records so that data can be exchanged easily between administrators, vendors and animal control officers alike.
  • Automate communications to help reduce labor time spent on generating important letters like reminders and renewal notices, and
  • Expand marketing of pet licensing to the community to make the connection explicitly between a pet license and the services it enables shelters to provide for local animal care and control.

With an increase in revenue from more pet license sales and reduced administrative costs, you can ensure your program will become a budget driver for your municipality or shelter organization.

If you would like to get in touch with DocuPet directly, simply click the button below and our experienced team will walk you through the process of fully understanding your current operations and the benefits DocuPet can provide to help you create a robust and expanded pet licensing program.